Insurance International, Inc.

Wayne D. Sato, CLU

(808) 961-3011


We would like to introduce you to Insurance International, Inc.

We are a local insurance firm in Hawaii that would like to lend our international expertise to our community


"It is all about relationships and helping them have peace of mind for their future."

— Wayne Sato, Insurance International, Inc. —

“Throughout my long career, I have had the honor to focus on the relationship with each of my clients. I started in the business over 40 years ago and have gone through many ups and downs along the way. However, what has been consistent has been my desire to be of support and help to my clients. The greatest joy that I have is helping them solve their problems by creatively looking at their finances and having a heartfelt discussion about what they would like to achieve in their lives. It is about getting to know them as individuals and the trust that develops between us.”

— Wayne Sato, Insurance International, Inc. —

Wayne’s History

Wayne started his career in U.S. Navy as a cryptographer. Through that experience, he learned the importance of serving his community while aboard the U.S.S. Barbel (the last Teardrop conventional submarine in service). After the military Wayne was eager to build plans and he joined Hughes Aircraft company and became a co-inventor of the phase array phase shifter.

Still striving to support his community, he created Insurance International Incorporated in 1973 and attended the American College for his certification.

He has served as general agent for many prominent life insurers such as New York Life, John Hancock, Kansas City Life, and Allianz, Prudential. With access to so many insurance plans, his only goal is to find the best policy among thousands for his friends and family. He specializes in estate planning, tax shelter plans, business transition, and long-term care planning.

Wayne had the honor of presiding over the National Association of Life Underwriters as its president. He also was a member of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table for over 35 years and was awarded the Top of the Table award for insurance. This award is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business.